
從去年十月份開始開第四屆亞洲青年節  台灣工作小組  的籌備會,一路邀請伙伴、得到恩人們的幫助,至今算來,好像恰好是「懷胎十月」。從19972000年參加世界青年節,至今竟已是第十個年頭。帶著世青的感動以及對自己生命的深刻影響,這些年不斷投入世青、亞青、乃至台灣自己舉辦的台灣青年節,而收穫最多的常是我自己。今年辦亞青並不輕鬆,卻也最充滿「主內的朋友」的經驗與滿滿感謝。好友佳音慨然答覆出任香港亞青的領隊、並一肩擔起對香港的聯絡窗口,基督生活團、特別是法伯爾與小達義團員們的支持與親身臨在、給予幫助,尤其是德儀和玉蓮包辦澳門與上川島延伸行程、實地走訪探路的義氣,...,還有各方人士給予的資源、支持、協辦培訓、練舞教舞、借服裝道具、手冊與紀念品設計編排製作、在地的協助等等,我除了感謝、感動,更充滿了為主並肩工作、一起為台灣教會、為青年們努力的喜悅。



忙碌的狀況以及豐富的體驗,使得我總難好好地完成一篇文章;直到在行前(7/28要上路囉)的今天才為文登在網誌上,似乎也有些晚。在此我除了誠心分享我的快樂與對天主的感謝,也誠心邀請短暫停留《我愛月亮》的朋友們,為將要去香港參加第四屆亞洲青年節的青年們祈禱。今年的主題是:「青年,亞洲家庭之希望   Youth, Hope of Asian Families」。我們一起祈禱,為亞洲所擁有的豐富文化資產與傳統感謝天主,也求天主特別降福在當今面臨種種考驗的亞洲,幫助我們在我們文化所特有的對家庭的重視中,遇見天主,體會到我們的恩寵與使命,讓我們活出基督以幫助我們的家庭、社會、國家。







第四屆亞洲青年節禱文                              AYD 4 Prayer 





God our Creator, Source of all life, praise and adoration be to You.  We thank you for gathering us together, Youth of Asia, in this Fourth Asian Youth Day.








God of love and compassion, we, your young children in Asia , call on you to look with kindness on our families, making up our nations. We come to discern Your will and discover how to become hope for our families.  We bring with us the love and care of our parents, who cherish us as Your treasures and gifts. We remember all their sacrifices to provide for our health, education and general welfare.








Holy Triune God, Root of every human family, our families in Asia are beset with many problems and difficulties just like the Holy Family of the Nazareth that went into exile, faced rejection, and suffered misunderstanding. You willed that our ancestors and parents pass on to us values like faith in You, our God, respect for human dignity, honor and love for the family, obedience to parents, sense of sacrifice, justice to all, peace, and unity. All these are threatened to disappear because of the secular and individualistic way of life that our families experience today in our fast-changing and globalized world. Help us follow the footsteps of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.








God of communion and mission, during these days of encounter among ourselves Asian youth, be with us and guide us in our reflections and discussions, in our group activities, work and fun. Move us to concrete acts of solidarity with our fellow youth in Asia to be givers of hope to our own families, especially to those who are hopeless and helpless.








Eternal God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, help us to harness the great potentials, possibility and creativity, You have instilled in us for the good of our families in Asia. Diverse as we are in our beliefs and faith, in our languages and culture, we commit ourselves to reflect your diversity of persons as we respect the differences among us. We commit ourselves to live your unity as one God in our works of charity, in our dialogue with the various religions, in building communities of hope and love in our respective countries and faith communities.











All glory be to You, Holy and Triune God:  

Father, Son and Holy Spirit,  

Now and forever, world without end.  
















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